What causes white spots when tanning?
These white spots are not from a dirty tanning bed. White spots are usually caused by a skin condition that effects tanners called Tinea Versicolor, a microscopic fungus from the scalp. White spots are treatable and should avoid ultraviolet light exposure until those areas have begun developing melanin again. Use special shampoo, or cream found at your local tanning center. There a several other reasons why white spots become noticeable on the body when tanning. When patches of the skin do not tan its because of Melanocytes in that certain area may simply not be producing enough melanin. Birth control pills and some other medications can cause blotches and uneven pigmentation of the skin when exposed to UV light. White spots could also be appear due to fungus which lives on the skins surface, once again this is harmless. It can be remedied through the use of a special shampoo or cream found in most tanning salons. Pressure points are white patches of the skin. These patches are usually found on the shoulder blades, and just above the buttocks. These patches are caused from the pressure of the body as it reclines on the hard surface. The pressure inhibits blood flow through that area of the skin. This area will not tan because blood carries oxygen and is essential to the tanning process. To make these white patches disappear, try shifting your body during your tanning session. We recommend to use Selsun extra strength with 2.5% Selenium Sulphide to treat Tinea Versicolor. Shower with it or for quicker results, rub it on and leave it overnight. Apply it like an ointment rather than a body wash. Shower and rinse it off in the morning. After about 3-4 of these treatments and you shouldn’t see it anymore. You have to tan to verify there aren’t any white spots. According to the America Association of Dermatologists: When the yeast overgrows, it causes the skin disease tinea versicolor. It is believed that the following can cause the yeast to overgrow: Hot, humid weather. Lots of sweating. Oily skin. A weakened immune system.
The difference between high-pressure and low-pressure
- Low-Pressure Sunbeds: These beds are the most popular. They use low-pressure fluorescent bulbs to mimic natural sunlight. A typical low-pressure tanning bulb emits a UVA to UVB ratio around ninety-five percent UVA, and five percent UVB. The higher amounts of UVB can lead to burning, but also produce higher amounts Vitamin D. A drawback of low-pressure beds is that they require more sessions to maintain your existing tan. A higher percentage of UVB will give you a quick boost of color, hence the name “bronzing beds”.
- High-Pressure Sunbeds: High-pressure beds release higher amounts of UVA rays using High Intensity Discharge bulbs. UVA rays penetrate deeper into your skin. Conversely, they contain lower amounts of UVB, which can lead to less burning or reddening as you tan. With high-pressure beds you can establish a base tan 6 to 8 times faster than with low-pressure. They also result in a deeper tan, which means you need to tan less frequently to maintain your color.
Actress told to get Sun to reverse Vitamin D Bone Deficiency Disorder
So UV exposure is actually good for you? You mean they were lying trying to sell all that sunscreen? Gwyneth Paltrow secretly suffered from a bone disorder.The ‘Iron Man 2’ actress was diagnosed with the onset of osteopenia – a condition where bone mineral density is lower than normal – and was ordered by doctors to spend more time in the sun to boost her vitamin D levels.She said: “I suffered a pretty severe Tibial plateau fracture a few years ago (requiring surgery) which lead the orthopedic surgeon to give me a bone scan, at which point it was discovered I had the beginning stages of osteopenia.“This led my western/eastern doctors in New York to test my Vitamin D levels, which turned out to be the lowest they had ever seen, not a good thing. I went on a prescription strength level of Vitamin D and was told to spend a bit of time in the sun!”Gwyneth – who has two children, daughter Apple, six, and four-year-old son Moses, with husband Chris Martin – admits the advice left her “confused” as she had always been told to stay out of the sun.She added in her GOOP newsletter: “I was curious if this was safe, having been told for years to stay away from its dangerous rays, not to mention a tad bit confused.”However, after following the doctor’s advice, the 37-year-old blond beauty managed to reverse her Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D Deficiency Leads To:
Did you know that vitamin D deficiency is a leading cause of osteoporosis, a disease that affects 25 million Americans leading to 1 million bone fractures every year?In elderly individuals, such fractures are often deadly!For more information, check out the research behind the story at:http://VitaminDCouncil.comhttp://VitaminDSociety.orghttp://TanningTruth.com
Burning is NOT tanning!
Many unknowing tanners always ask the question:
Will burning first give me a darker, better tan?NO!Burning causes damage to the surface layers of the skin. Many people say ” my burn turns to tan “. This myth is very dangerous. Tanning and burning are two totally different processes.Burning leads to premature aging, sunspots, drying, flaking and peeling of the skin, and should be avoided at all cost! A burn may heal and disappear at the same time a tan is developing , giving you the appearance that your burn is turning tan. You’re actually causing damage to your skin. Repeated damage could lead to some forms of skin caner.The tanning process is not something that can be rushed. It may seem like nothing happened, but it can take up to 48 hours for melanogenisis to begin. Adjust your session slowly till you reached your desired color. Remember everyone is different, and while building a base tan 48 hrs is the recommended time between sessions.
Common tanning myths and mistakes
For decades, the public has been drilled false statements regarding the benefits of moderated tanning both indoors and out. Many consumers have also not been properly educated on what tanning really is and how to moderate their tanning process. If you are not using a professional tanning salon that is regulated, certified and monitors your UV exposure, go elsewhere.Here are just a few of the common myths and tanner misinformation I have heard over the past decade. Please feel free to share or add to the list!I don’t use goggles, I use a towel over my face.At best a towel is only an SPF 5. This is not enough protection for your eyes. Closing your eyes is also not effective at protecting your eyes. Eyelids only block about 25% of UV light.It needs to be really, really hot in order to tan.Skiers can burn in the sun in the middle of January. Hot does not equal tan. The UV lights are what are tanning you, so be comfortable while you tan.Tanning cooks your insides.This one is quite ridiculous, but I still hear it. Mythbusters actually did this test on an episode. They put two raw chickens in a tanning bed for almost an hour. Guess what? They were still raw.The more you tan, the darker you will get.Excessive tanning can cause the epidermis layer of the skin to thicken, which blocks UV rays from tanning you. You can actually lose color when tanning too often.If I don’t burn, I am not tanning.Sunburns damage the skin, making it harder for the skin to tan. Burning indicates overexposure. You are not tanning when you burn. A responsible salon should always moderate your exposure and increase gradually to avoid burning at all costs!I get darker without a lotion.While that may be what you think you are seeing, the reality is vastly different. Lotions are designed to feed and enhance your tan. They are formulated to hydrate your skin so it can better absorb the UV light, and contain nutrients to nourish and feed your skin exactly what it uses to produce tanning pigment. Step 1 lotions contain Vitamins to help product pigment, and step 2 lotions contain CuO2 (Copper Dioxide) to bronze that pigment. Cosmetic bronzers are also a part of most lotions, and they also add to your overall tan. So why then do you sometimes appear darker immediately after tanning without a lotion? The simple answer is dehydration. The act of tanning without a lotion causes the skin to dehydrate temporarily, causing it to appear darker for a very short amount of time (minutes to hours, not days). This is why leather looks darker than skin. This is not considered a real tan (one that develops from Melanin being produced by cells in the skin). Rather, it usually has a more leathery, damaged appearance than a healthy natural one. It’s easy to see where the ‘Perception is Reality’ game can play tricks making you think you’re tanning better…but reality is reality and feeding your skin nutrients that produce a tan will not give you less of results. Also, anti-oxidants and nutrients will keep your skin looking healthy for years to come as well.Spray tans turn people orange.Professional Spray Tans do not turn you orange like many store bought products. The solution used in a professional salon does not contain the same preservatives as store bought brands that can cause this issue. Also, the number one reason for Orange appearance is overapplication. The same applies when you’re spraying a tan on at home. This is simplified and prevented when an automatic booth evenly mists the entire body giving you the perfect amount for that airbrushed look. Another factor in color can be your PH balance. This can be thrown off by using lotions or perfumes directly before applying sunless tanner or spray. Make sure your skin is clean and hydrated and make sure that you are hydrated as well. For added color, using a PH Balancing product or Sunless Accelerator can also help add deeper color. If you’ve never tried a professional spray tan, don’t worry, it’s not the tan in a can that you may be used to.Tanning beds are different than sunshine.Mid-day summer sunlight is made up of 95% UVA light and 5% UVB light. Most indoor tanning equipment emits the same thing but in slightly higher doses, usually 2-3 times more intense. That’s why professional tanning salons control the duration of your total exposure based on the UV output of the tanning unit.It’s simple math. Your total exposure to the sun or a tanning unit is based on the intensity of the UV light multiplied by the total exposure time. So if the tanning unit you’re using is two times more powerful than sunlight, your tanning professional will carefully adjust your exposure time to at least half of the non-burning exposure you would want to get outdoors in summer sunlight.
Vitamin D Deficiency in White Americans Doubles risk of Fatal Stroke
According to a new study, vitamin D deficiency in white Americans doubles risk of fatal stroke.Nearly 7% of the white patients were vitamin D-deficient, compared with more than 32% of the black participants. Whites with too little Vitamin D had twice the risk of dying from stroke as whites with adequate levels of the vitamin, which is obtained from fortified dairy products, fatty fish and exposure to sunlight.Erin Michos, M.D., M.H.S., the study’s lead researcher and an assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md explains, “We thought maybe the lower vitamin D levels might actually explain why blacks have higher risks for stroke . “But we did not find the same relationship between vitamin D and stroke in blacks.”After adjustment for confounders like A1C, diabetes duration and conventional cardiovascular risk factors, diabetes mellitus patients who had severe vitamin D deficiency were found 103% more likely to die from all causes, compared with those having higher levels.Vitamin D is synthesised in skin with the help of sunlight. About 30 minutes of exposure to sun (maximum portions of arms, neck and head) is recommended. Also, recommended daily intake of vitamin D — 400-800 IU/day. However, some experts prescribe even higher dosages.Stroke is the top three leading cause of death in the US, this illness kills about 140,000 people yearly and affects more than half a million lives for acquiring a permanent impairment.The findings are scheduled to be presented at the American Heart Association’s annual scientific sessions in Chicago.*Story originally published on http://www.efitnessnow.com web site.
General Tanning Guidelines
The Golden Rule of tanning is “Don’t Ever Burn.”People who are Skin Type 1 (never tan, always burn) should never tan using UV tanning equipment; however, these individuals may take advantage of sunless tanning equipment.Start building your tan slowly and use short exposure times to build up a tan over time.Ask the tanning salon if the lamps in the beds are newly replaced so you can adjust your tan time accordingly.Use an SPF on any areas that you do not want to tan (as a towel, shirt, etc only deflects about 5% of UV light).Protective eyewear is required.Moisturize your skin regularly both pre- and post-tanning.A review with the salon operator will determine your skin type. Use the corresponding recommended exposure schedule posted on each bed as a guideline for your initial tanning session and any subsequent weekly or monthly sessions.Tan in moderation.Read the warning label posted on each bed to understand the risks of overexposure.If you have never used a particular piece of UV equipment, be sure to ask for a complete instructional walk through prior to tanning.
Does exposure to sunlight or UVR cause CMM?
The answer to this question is extremely important to the indoor tanning industry because, if UVR can be scientifically proven to cause CMM in humans, the survival of the industry is in jeopardy. On the other hand, if the scientific evidence shows that exposure to sunlight, UVR or a tanning device does not cause CMM, there will be no reason for health-conscious individuals to forgo the incontrovertible benefits of UVR exposure—such as maintaining an optimal vitamin D level year-round—in the carefully controlled environment of a professional indoor tanning salon. So, which answer is correct?Coincidental vs. Causal CorrelationResearch reveals that there is only a coincidental correlation—not a causal correlation—between UVR and CMM; therefore, neither sunlight nor a tanning device can be blamed for causing this disease. Think of this in terms of a post hoc ergo propter hoc relationship, in which it is incorrectly believed that one event comes before and, therefore, causes another when, in fact, the two events were examples of coincidental correlation—not cause and effect. Here are some examples of why coincidental correlation does not prove causation:
- Sleeping with one’s shoes on is coincidentally correlated with waking up with a headache.Therefore, going to sleep with your shoes on is the cause of headaches.
- Since the 1950’s, both the atmospheric CO2 levels and crime levels have increased sharply.Therefore, atmospheric CO2 causes crime.
Salons Teach Sunscreen Usage Best
Professional indoor tanning facilities do a better job teaching the correct usage of chemical suncreen than “sun scare” groups who manufacture and mass-market the product, according to the International Smart Tan Network. Our position is based on the following:
- The “Sun Scare” industry is promoting daily use of chemical sunscreen year-round in any weather. That is misbranding the product.
- Simply stated, sunscreen should only be used as a tool to prevent sunburn whenever sunburn is a possibility. It should not be used on a daily basis in climates and seasons when sunburn is not possible.
- Think of chemical sunscreen the same way you think of cough syrup: It’s a product you should use only when you need it. If a pediatrician told you to give your child cough syrup 365 days a year — even when they didn’t have a cold — would you do it? Yet that’s what those who mass-market chemical sunscreen and dermatology industry lobbying groups are telling you to do.
- The professional indoor tanning community teaches proper sunscreen usage more effectively than those who simply tell the public to wear the product 365 days a year: The tanning community’s approach is more credible and practical.
- Why all the deception from “Sun Scare”? Follow the dollar. Chemical Sunscreen sales have increased thousand-fold from millions to billions in sales with fear-based marketing. These manufacturers are not permitted to claim that their product prevents melanoma, so they pay dermatology groups to infer that it does, even though research doesn’t agree.
- To change their message from “use sunscreen to avoid sunburn” to “use sunscreen to avoid any UV exposure” Big Pharm and Derms had to convince people that any UV exposure is dangerous even though sun exposure is natural and intended.
What Does Indoor Tanning Have To Do With Vitamin D?
Exposure to UVB from sunshine is the body’s natural way to produce vitamin D, accounting for 90 percent of vitamin D production. Dietary “supplements” are just that: Supplemental ways to produce vitamin D.Research has shown that people who utilize indoor tanning equipment that emits UVB – which most tanning equipment does – also produce vitamin D. And studies have also shown that indoor tanning clients have higher vitamin D blood levels than non-tanners.While the North American indoor tanning industry promotes itself as a cosmetic service, one undeniable side-effect of that cosmetic service is vitamin D production. Even though it is not necessary to develop a tan to produce vitamin D, this should be considered: Because research suggests that the risks associated with sun exposure are related to intermittent sunburns, it is credible to believe that the benefits of regular, moderate non-burning exposure outweigh the easily manageable risks associated with overexposure.For more information, visit http://www.tanningtruth.com/index.php/indoor_tanning/
Why use an Indoor Tanning Lotion?
1. You need to prepare your skin to tan. Dry skin doesn’t tan as well, dry skin, reflects light, instead of absorbing it. This can mean you will get a sunburn easier as well. By using lotion your skin is moist, and healthy and supple, ready to take in the sun.2. You need to protect your skin! Most of the premium brand lotions are high quality lotions. Many lotions are aloe vera based, which is widely known for its positive effects on the skin during moderate to heavy sun exposure. When using a tanning lotion, the main active ingredients are those which accelerate your skins ability to generate melanin. The process by which the skin tans – simplified – is the conversion of Tyrosine, to Melanin, by the UVA portion of light. Your body produces some Tyrsosine, but not enough to actually keep up a high-quality unit like the matrix, especially with its low UVB output. It’s similar to having the fastest brick wall building crew, and no bricks. So by not using lotion, you are going to have to a lot more, to get the same tan. Chewing up MORE minutes and increasing your total UV exposure which puts added stress on the skin, especially without the moisturizing qualities of lotion to take care of your skin.3. You want to prolong your tan. By using lotion, along with some other very basic skincare principles like exfoliating during your shower, your skin will stay healthy, and thus stay tanned longer. This means less tanning, using less minutes tha you are paying for, and keeping the same look.So by ignoring the Prepare/Protect/Prolong factors in using lotion, we end up with wrinkly un-tanned customers, that will go on to talk about how tanning is bad, when its just tanning like an idiot thats bad. Doing anything like an idiot is bad, you could drive your car with your feet if you want to, doesn’t means its a good idea!Besides all the fun benefits like smelling good and anti-oxidants, lotion is absolutely imperitive to tanning. It would be like if you saw your little cousin brushing his teeth without toothpaste, you would think he’s being stupid. If he argued with you on the importance of toothpaste, you’d tell him he’s being retarded, yet you are not a dentist. It’s common sense, which isn’t so common these days. This is why I get frustrated with people when you have to “SELL” them lotion, rather than just show them the lotions, let them smell them, explain the features and the benefits of those features, and let them happily pick a favorite.
Confusion regarding Hemp Seed oil and the military.
I have heard the same comment hundreds of times over the past decade. “I can’t use that lotion because the drug dogs will alert on me and anything with hemp is not allowed.”Like many other myths and misconceptions, everyone just passes along these statements as fact instead of verifying the validity of the source.Truth is that hemp seed and hemp seed oil products, from clothing to lotions, are derived from a plant in same family as the Cannabis plant. Hemp does not contain any THC, which is what marijuana is and what is tested for. The military’s stance since 2004 is that ingesting hemp products is strictly forbidden. Skin care products containing hemp are not. However, in the military’s opinion, it may be possible that a search may give a false dog alert and would be at the least embarrassing, but not against regulations. If in doubt, ask your base commander or local office for advise.
The Associated Press CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. – A trade organization is asking the Air Force to clarify that its ban on marijuana use doesn’t apply to personal care products that contain hemp seed oil. The California-based Hemp Industries Association and the Indoor Tanning Association have sent Air Force Secretary James Roche a letter this week criticizing a recent article in the Cannon Air Force Base newspaper – Mach Meter. The article warned airmen not to use products containing hemp seed oil, hemp oil or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol – known as THC – marijuana’s main active chemical. The article said using such products created the “statistically small” chance of flunking a drug test and could attract attention from the base’s drug-sniffing dogs. “While the lotion was not used with intent to break any laws and is not illegal, the fact that a military working dog alerts on your car or your person creates a perception that nobody wants,” said the article written by Capt. Gwendolyn Beitz. People in the military are prohibited from using marijuana, and the services test for THC levels. Hemp is a plant that is used for a variety of products, from fiber for making clothes to tanning lotion. The Cannon story said while base officials don’t think anyone would ingest a lotion, the lotion could be applied over a cut or scrape, creating a chance of absorption under certain circumstances. A spokesman for the Hemp Industries Association disputes that such use could lead to a positive drug test. “There’s no way a personal care product will cause someone to fail a drug test,” association spokesman Adam Eidinger said Thursday during a telephone interview. Eidinger said the association that represents about 200 companies decided to write Roche because it complained to Cannon officials about the article and failed to get a response. “We want the Air Force to clarify this policy,” Eidinger said. “At the very least, they should clarify that their ban on hemp foods does not apply to personal care products … which contain varying amounts of hemp oil.”Original article here: http://amarillo.com/stories/2004/06/11/new_tradegroup.shtml#.VR2URfnF98E
Air Force: Sunscreen Not Part of Hemp BanThe Associated Press CANNON AIR FORCE BASE— The Air Force, in response to concerns from a hemp trade group and the tanning salon industry, says its ban on hemp seed or hemp seed oil products does not include skin care products containing hemp. The California-based Hemp Industries Association and the Virginia-based Indoor Tanning Association in June asked the Air Force to clarify that its ban on marijuana use doesn’t apply to personal care products that contain hemp seed oil. The Air Force in 2001 changed its alcohol and drug abuse policies to prohibit its members from ingesting hemp seed or hemp seed oil products. However, the policy does not prohibit the use of skin care products containing hemp, Maj. Gen. Joseph E. Kelley, assistant surgeon general, wrote the two industry groups in a letter this month. The issue arose after the associations criticized an article in Cannon’s newspaper, Mach Meter. The article, written by a judge advocate who defends airmen, warned them not to use products containing hemp seed oil, hemp oil or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol— THC— marijuana’s main active chemical. The article said such products create a “statistically small” chance of flunking a drug test or drawing the attention of a drug-sniffing dog. “While the lotion was not used with intent to break any laws and is not illegal, the fact that a military working dog alerts on your car or your person creates a perception that nobody wants,” said the article written by Capt. Gwendolyn Beitz. The Hemp Industries Association, which represents about 200 companies, disputed her conclusion. Candi Penn, the association’s executive director, said it’s ridiculous to think drug-sniffing dogs would target a person wearing hemp sun block and that there’s no example of anyone failing a drug test after using hemp personal care products. Kelley’s letter explains the duties of judge advocates, saying they are encouraged to make airmen “broadly aware of risks that might damage their careers or land them in court.” “The article by the Cannon Air Force Base area defense counsel was her independent, cautionary advice to airmen at Cannon about the possibility of unintended consequences from using tanning lotions and oils that contain hemp oil or hemp seed oil,” he wrote.Original article here: http://www.abqjournal.com/news/military/210741military08-20-04.htmSee the official Air Force statement concerning hemp related products here: https://www.votehemp.com/PDF/AF_hemp_skincare_policy.pdf
How do I get the Vitamin D my body needs?
The two main ways to get vitamin D are by exposing your bare skin to sunlight and by taking vitamin D supplements. You can’t get the right amount of vitamin D your body needs from food.The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight (ultraviolet B rays). This can happen very quickly, particularly in the summer. You don’t need to tan or burn your skin to get vitamin D. You only need to expose your skin for around half the time it takes for your skin to turn pink and begin to burn. How much vitamin D is produced from sunlight depends on the time of day, where you live in the world and the color of your skin. The more skin you expose the more vitamin D is produced.You can also get vitamin D by taking supplements. This is a good way to get vitamin D if you can’t get enough sunlight, or if you’re worried about exposing your skin. Vitamin D3 is the best kind of supplement to take. It comes in a number of different forms, such as tablets and capsules, but it doesn’t matter what form you take, or what time of the day you take it.Different organizations recommend different amounts of vitamin D supplement to take each day. The Vitamin D Council recommends taking larger amounts of vitamin D each day than other organizations, because smaller amounts aren’t enough to give you what your body needs. Most people can take vitamin D supplements with no problems. However, if you have certain health problems or take certain medicines, you may need to take extra care.Your body gets most of the vitamins and minerals it needs from the foods that you eat. However, there are only a few foods that naturally contain any vitamin D. Most foods that contain vitamin D only have small amounts, so it’s almost impossible to get what your body needs just from food.Because there are only small amounts of vitamin D in food there are only two sure ways to get enough vitamin D:
- Exposing your bare skin to sunlight to get ultraviolet B (UVB).
- Taking vitamin D supplements.
Why should we be concerned about Vitamin D deficiency?
New research has shown that vitamin D deficiency is epidemic in American adults today, suggesting that up to 90 percent of North Americans are vitamin D deficient. It is likely that over-usage of sunscreen in climates and seasons when sunburn is not a possibility has contributed to this epidemic. This is especially significant because:
- A 2006 systematic review of 63 studies on vitamin D status in relation to cancer risk has shown that vitamin D sufficiency can reduce one’s risk of colon, breast and ovarian cancers by up to 50 percent. The landmark paper, published in the February 2006 issue of The American Journal of Public Health, is the most comprehensive paper on vitamin D written to date.
- Additionally, vitamin D deficiency is a leading cause of osteoporosis, a disease affecting 25 million Americans which leads to 1 million hip and bone fractures every year. In elderly individuals, such fractures are often deadly. Encouraging everyone to wear sunscreen all year long in any climate undoubtedly is contributing to this problem, as vitamin D is necessary for the body to properly process calcium.
- While environmental correlations have established for years that people in sunny climates have lower risks of many forms of cancer, in recent years the mechanism by which Vitamin D slows or retards the growth of tumor cells has been researched and identified. It was once thought that only the kidneys could produce active vitamin D, but we now know that many cells in the body perform this function, including cells in the breast, prostate, colon, brain and skin.
- Research has shown that the active form of vitamin D, when present in cells throughout the body, inhibits the growth and spread of abnormal cells, including cancer cells.
How long will it take to get a base tan?
Everyone’s skin is different, and the tanning process occurs at different speeds depending on a person’s skin type. Those with darker complexions usually tan faster than those with fair skin.As a general rule, 10-15 consecutive sessions (every other day, or not more than 4 times per week) will give you a base tan. How long it takes to get a tan also depends on whether or not you use a premium indoor tanning product to maximize the tanning results from UV exposure.There are also different bed levels that provide different UV wattage, UVA to UVB percentages, lamp quantity, etc… that will affect the time it takes to build your base tan.
What is a tanning plateau and how do I break through it?
A tanning plateau is a phase you go through when it just doesn’t seem like you are getting any darker.When you first start tanning it’s easy to see daily results but as you gradually acquire a dark tan, it’s sometimes hard to see the different stages of tan. There is only so much melanin your skin will produce using indoor tanning equipment because tanning salons are regulated as to how much “sun” we can give you in a session.This is where tingle lotions can come in. They prompt your skin to produce more pigment by increasing the blood flow to your surface skin. Rotate your lotions and/or rotate the tanning equipment you are using. Always moisturize your skin between tanning sessions. As your skin becomes tanner, it becomes thicker which actually blocks a bit of the the UV light from penetrating your upper skin layers.If you think you’ve reached a plateau, talk to a certified professional and they’ll help you get over that hump.It also depends on what may be causing your tanning plateau.
- Sometimes a person needs to alternate between a couple of tanning lotions, based on the nutritional and moisture needs of their skin.
- Medications, and even a poor diet, can cause a temporary plateau.
- Rotating the tanning bed/booth you are using can help. This is because different equipment provides different levels of UVA/UVB. Your skin may just need to switch it up for a while.
- A couple of cold, hard realities you may need to face are your tanning goals and limitations. If your goal is to look like a piece of charcoal, you may need to adjust your goal to something that is a little more realistic.
- Everyone also has a genetic limitation. Skin type II individuals (lighter skin) won’t ever be able to reach the depth of color that a skin type V (dark skin) can achieve from tanning.
- If you happen to be a tanning addict, it’s probably time to give your skin a break. Organs usually require at least occasional rest, including skin. You might want to take a reasonable break from tanning to allow your skin to properly rebuild itself.
- If you are still unsatisfied, you may need to try a professional Spray Tan.
Benefits from UV exposure outweigh the risks.
The health benefits of exposing skin to sunlight may far outweigh the risk of developing skin cancer, according to scientists.Edinburgh University research suggests sunlight helps reduce blood pressure, cutting heart attack and stroke risks and even prolonging life. UV rays were found to release a compound that lowers blood pressure. Researchers said more studies would be carried out to determine if it is time to reconsider advice on skin exposure.Heart disease and stroke linked to high blood pressure are estimated to lead to about 80 times more deaths than those from skin cancer in the UK.
Dietary vitamin D supplements alone will not be able to compensate for lack of sunlight”Dr Richard WellerEdinburgh UniversityProduction of the pressure-reducing compound, nitric oxide, is separate from the body’s manufacture of vitamin D, which rises after exposure to sunshine. Researchers said that until now vitamin D production had been considered the sole benefit of the sun to human health. During the research, dermatologists studied the blood pressure of 24 volunteers under UV and heat lamps. n one session, the volunteers were exposed to both UV rays and the heat of the lamps. In the other, the UV rays were blocked so that only the heat affected the skin.The results showed that blood pressure dropped significantly for an hour after exposure to UV rays, but not after the heat-only sessions.Scientists said that this suggested it was the sun’s UV rays that brought health benefits. The volunteers’ vitamin D levels remained unaffected in both sessions.‘Reconsider our advice’Dr Richard Weller, a senior lecturer in dermatology at Edinburgh University, said: “We suspect that the benefits to heart health of sunlight will outweigh the risk of skin cancer. The work we have done provides a mechanism that might account for this, and also explains why dietary vitamin D supplements alone will not be able to compensate for lack of sunlight. We now plan to look at the relative risks of heart disease and skin cancer in people who have received different amounts of sun exposure.”“If this confirms that sunlight reduces the death rate from all causes, we will need to reconsider our advice on sun exposure.”
The Golden Rules of Tanning
Want the best possible glow? Follow these fundamental Rules for tanning.
- Apply Skin Care Products
- Use lotions before and after tanning to keep an attractive tan looking better longer
- Use an indoor tanning lotion to maximize the appearance of your tan.
- Choose from an array of tanning skin care products that are designed to work with any skin type and tanning level.
- Slow Down
- Never try to hurry a tan and always use common sense.
- Never tan more than once a day
- Retain your desired color by tanning once or 2 to 3 times a week, depending on the level of the bed.
- Wear Eye Protection
- Always wear protective eye goggles when tanning.
The benefits of using an indoor tanning lotion.
The answer is simple, indoor tanning lotions give you better results. They are also an important part of tanning responsibly and keeping your skin looking radiant and healthy.Here are just some of the reasons why tanning lotion is a must-have:
- Moist skin tans faster and more efficiently, resulting in a better tan in fewer visits
- Tanning lotions allow for better magnification, giving you maximum results
- Moisturized skin readily absorbs UV light, while dry skin reflects it
- Active ingredients supplement your skin’s cells with the same proteins that naturally enhance the tanning process
- A specially formulated tanning lotion can give you a lasting tan by helping retain UV induced melanin longer
- Tanning lotions supply the skin with vitamins and nutrients essential for a tan, while keeping your skin moist and healthy
- UV exposure can dehydrate your skin, and tanning lotions help to replenish moisture lost during your tanning session
- Contrary to some belief, all persons tanning can benefit from a premium quality indoor tanning lotion
- Your skin will be drier and flaky
- Vitamins and nutrients are lost from UV exposure during the tanning process
- You will never reach your true tanning potential by up to 70%
- Dry skin actually reflects light
Can I tan while pregnant?
I have heard this question numerous times over the years.The misconception by most though is that UV rays from tanning will affect your developing baby. This statement is false.UV rays, whether indoors or out, do not penetrate below the layers of the skin.Some doctors advise against sun exposure in general while pregnant, others suggest with moderation.The fact is that while pregnant, increases in your core body temperature can be harmful.Tanning itself is not the problem. What you do need to monitor is how hot you get while tanning. Anything that will raise your core body temperature, such as hot tubs, saunas and tanning beds can be harmful to your unborn baby, including general over-exposure to the sun. Overheating (also called hyperthermia), particularly during the first trimester, can result in developmental damage to your baby. During pregnancy, your skin’s sensitivity to burning may be increased, so you should start with short sessions until your body is tanned. Stay cool and drink plenty of fluids to prevent light-headedness and dehydration, whether indoors or outdoors.If you are using a tanning bed, make sure there is adequate ventilation in the tanning room and if you get uncomfortable or start to feel too warm, then get out, whether your session is over or not.
How hot is a HydroMassage?
The temperature is adjustable, but we typically keep the water set to 98-104 degrees for the ultimate relief.
Is HydroMassage good for muscle recovery after a workout?
HydroMassage is perfect for a post-workout muscle recovery session. Let the hydro jets loosen tight muscle. HydroMassage can also relieve small aches and pains associated with muscle soreness.
How does HydroMassage work?
HydroMassage uses warm water and pressurized jets to help alleviate sore and tense muscles. Using special fabrics and coverings, you get the benefits of a water-based massage without getting wet!
How long does a HydroMassage session last?
This equipment is typically used in 15 minute sessions.
What are the benefits of HydroMassage?
HydroMassage can help with the following:
- HydroMassage can help improve muscle recovery after workouts
- Can provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains, especially associated with muscle soreness from working out
- Like other forms of massage, HydroMassage can help reduce your stress and anxiety
- HydroMassage can promote deep relaxation and provide a sense and feeling of well-being
- Like other forms of massage, HydroMassage can help increases circulation in local areas where massaged
- HydroMassage can relieve muscle soreness, stiffness, and tension
Is HydroMassage good for back pain?
HydroMassage is not intended to treat serious back pain. HydroMassage’s warm water massage can help loosen stiff muscles and minor back ailments. If you have severe back pain or a known back condition please consult with a physician before using HydroMassage.
What areas can be treated?
We currently use EMSculpting to build, define, & tone biceps, triceps, calves, abdominal and gluteal muscles. Men tend to gravitate toward treating the abs, while women have enjoyed etching abdominal muscles and the ability to firm, tone, & lift the buttocks.
Am I a candidate for EMS sculpting?
People who are lean and fit are excellent candidates for EMSculpting. The manufacturer recommends treatment for individuals with a BMI of 26 or lower. Having a good diet & exercise regimen aids in achieving the best results.
What is the EMS treatment time?
EMSculpting is a series of 4, 30-minute treatments that are performed either over 2 weeks or 4 weeks, depending on the area of the body that is being treated.
How does EMS scuplting work?
EMSculptIng uses HIFEM® (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology to induce powerful muscle contractions that are not achievable through exercises like sit-ups or squats. When exposed to these supramaximal contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to extreme conditions. The muscles respond to HIFEM® with a deep remodeling of their inner structure that results in the building of muscle fibers and muscle volume. The studies that were conducted to get FDA approval of this technology also showed fat reduction as well.
How much does it cost?
The recommended EMSculptIng treatment is a series of 4 treatment sessions, performed either over 2 weeks or 4 weeks. The average cost of EMSculpting across the US is $4,000 for the series. The list price for EMSculpting at Beach Bumz is $3,000. We always offer a special, so please call us to discuss. In addition, discounts are available if multiple areas are treated or if your treatment is combined with another service such as CoolSculpting. Maintenance treatments are available at a discounted price after the initial series of four EMSculptIng treatments are purchased.
What is EMS sculpting?
EMSculptIng is the first and only non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that helps both men and women build muscle and reduce fat to sculpt and strengthen their bodies. It is cleared by the FDA for the “improvement of abdominal tone, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, development of firmer abdomen, and strengthening, toning, and firming of the buttocks, calves, biceps and triceps.”
Is there any downtime with EMS?
The procedure is non-invasive and non-surgical and requires no recovery time. You will go right back to normal activities following the short treatment.
How soon will I see results with EMS?
You will begin to feel physical results right after your EMSculpting treatment. Some individuals see results sooner than others – everyone’s capacity to build muscle is different. You will continue to improve for several weeks following the treatment. Visual positive results are usually reported at 4-6 weeks after the final session.
Are the results from EMS permanent?
As with any exercise or muscle building program, the increased muscular gains must be maintained. We recommend at minimum one single (not a series of four) EMSculpting maintenance treatment every 3 months, but some of our clients like more frequent treatments – it can be addictive! Slim Studio offers your choice of maintenance treatment packages so you can enjoy your muscle build over time following your initial treatment.
Does EMS sculpting and contouring work?
The answer is yes! EMSculpting has been clinically tested for safety and efficacy through seven independent US based clinical studies. The study results at 6 weeks showed an average of a 16% increase in muscle mass and a 19% reduction in the fat layer in the area treated. At 6 months: a 19% increase in muscle mass and a 23% reduction in the fat layer.